
Why We Straighten Teeth

For many patients, straight teeth mean a beautiful smile. But did you know that properly aligned teeth are also healthier?

Spotlight on Perio Protect

After testing out the treatment ourselves, we’re extremely excited to offer Perio Protect, a new treatment for gum disease that can be done in the comfort of your own home!

Cavities, Recapped.

Also known as tooth decay, a cavity is a hole in your tooth. Cavities are one of the most common health problems; anyone can develop cavities, even toddlers. Because they start small and generally don’t cause pain at the beginning, many people don’t realize they have a cavity until a dental checkup, or when the cavity becomes large enough to cause pain.

Why Periodontal Health Matters

This month, we'd like to shed some light on the importance of taking care of your gums, and the bone that supports your teeth (aka your periodontium). The health and maintenance of your periodontium is as every bit important as the health of your teeth themselves.

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