News & Announcements

How Invisalign Aligners Transform Your Teeth and Confidence

Your smile is your superpower. It can open doors, light up a room, and showcase your confidence. But what if your smile doesn't make you feel super? That's where Invisalign comes in. More than just a tool for straightening teeth, it’s prompted a revolution in orthodontic care. Let’s talk about Invisalign and how these clear aligners can transform your [...]

The Benefits of Dental Implants for Oral Health and Overall Well-Being

Dental implants have become the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. They're not just about enhancing your smile; implants play a crucial role in maintaining oral health and boosting overall well-being. If you’re missing one or more teeth and are looking for a comprehensive solution, keep reading to learn about the many benefits of dental implants for your oral [...]

Pawsitive Impact: Tooth Works Dentistry Partners with Edmonton Humane Society

At Tooth Works Dentistry, we've always believed that our circle of care extends beyond our doors, and this includes the wagging tails and gentle purrs of our four-legged companions. In line with this spirit, we're thrilled to announce a partnership especially dear to our hearts: collaborating with the Edmonton Humane Society. Our very own Dr. Sam Withanachchi, an expert [...]

Unveiling the True Difference Between Medicine and Dentistry in Canada

At first glance, the most noticeable contrast between Medicine and Dentistry in Canada is the public-private divide. However, the true disparity lies in the approach to patient care and direction. Both disciplines involve patients either seeking treatment for specific concerns or undergoing regular exams and screenings, leading to treatment based on the exam outcomes. Dentistry stands out with its emphasis [...]

Ageism in Dentistry

At our practice, we believe that every patient, at every age, deserves ideal dentistry.

Implants vs Bridges

Dr. Sam discusses the difference between implants and bridges, when it comes to missing teeth.

Introducing AIRFLOW: a Better Way to Maintain Oral Health

One of the most important things you can do to keep your gums healthy is schedule regular dental cleanings (twice a year for most patients). Teeth cleaning removes plaque and tartar from above and below the gumline through careful scraping with handheld instruments or ultrasonic tools. While this process is vital to your long-term oral health, for some patients, it can feel uncomfortable and time-consuming. That’s why we’re pleased to announce a new technology being implemented at Tooth Works – AIRFLOW. This new method reduces your time in the dental chair, with less discomfort.

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