Dentist Advice

How Invisalign Aligners Transform Your Teeth and Confidence

Your smile is your superpower. It can open doors, light up a room, and showcase your confidence. But what if your smile doesn't make you feel super? That's where Invisalign comes in. More than just a tool for straightening teeth, it’s prompted a revolution in orthodontic care. Let’s talk about Invisalign and how these clear aligners can transform your [...]

Cavities, Recapped.

Also known as tooth decay, a cavity is a hole in your tooth. Cavities are one of the most common health problems; anyone can develop cavities, even toddlers. Because they start small and generally don’t cause pain at the beginning, many people don’t realize they have a cavity until a dental checkup, or when the cavity becomes large enough to cause pain.

DIY Dental Treatment

To some, quarantine is the perfect time to make a big change – maybe you’ve started working out from home, dyed your hair, or perhaps you’re looking at ways to make an impact on your smile. The temptation is there, we get it. You’ve got extra time, and so many online options to choose from.

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